Gay undie pooping
Gay undie pooping

gay undie pooping

gay undie pooping

You can free them to change by stop your involvement in their business.Įncopresis is commonly caused byconstipation, by reflexive withholding of stool, by various physiological, psychological, or neurological disorders, or from surgery (a somewhat rare occurrence). If the power struggle still exists, they will feel defeated by you if they change, so they are in essence, “stuck” in this behavior. They won’t change until you get un-invested. So, we end the power struggle, empower him, and stop being invested in trying to change the child’s behaviors. The child will decide in their own time how long they want to hold and how much of a hassle it is to clean up–and none of that will be worth if it doesn’t set you off!


Once they have learned how to do that, your life is not impacted by their bowel habits, and I suggest you tell them so, and let them know respectfully that you trust them to be independent and that won’t be mentioning toileting to them again. At 8 years old, with a a step stool, it’s as easy as a toaster. I suggest you teach them how to wash soiled underwear and how to do a load of laundry. You need to hand over this responsibility back to the child and trust him to manage it, accidents and all. They are saying “It’s my body, it’s my decision, and you can’t make me.” They “hold” to win the power struggle. The child resists the parental urgings and manipulations. It’s our fear that our children can’t manage that gets us overly involved, and as we begin to micromanage them, we usurp the child’s proper role and responsibility for toileting themselves. You’re afraid they’ll soil their pants in public if you don’t help them train properly. You plead with them to go sit on the toilet, you discover soiled underwear hidden in their bedroom and you find yourself monitoring their washroom habits to see if they are “producing” anything. They check out medically as being okay, yet when they need to move their bowels, they still won’t go use the toilet. Do you have an older child who still “holds”? It’s a common problem with children in the younger grades.

Gay undie pooping